
Neuropathy Screening Products

Nerve damage is the most common complication of diabetes and effects over 50% of peoples with diabetes. It can lead to problems with balance resulting in falls, and can lead to foot ulcers which can lead to amputation.Diabetic neuropathy is usually diagnosed based on your symptoms, your medical history and a physical exam. During the exam, your doctor is likely to check your muscle strength and tone, tendon reflexes, and sensitivity to touch, temperature and vibration using Monofilament 10gm, Digital Biothesiometer etc.,

Medical Monofilaments 5.07 / 10gm - Item Code: MF10GM

One of the frequent causes of non-traumatic lower-limb amputation is Diabetes and is usually preceded by foot ulcer and infection. The reason of this ulceration is commonly a loss of protective sensation due to peripheral neuropathy, for which there is no prevention strategy. In an effort to standardize and simplify the detection of insensate foot, the 5.07/10-gm Monofilament is recommended by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization as a device that can be used by health professionals at every level of care.

  How to use the 10g Monofilament?

  • Bend the monofilament a couple of times before using it every day to remove any residual stiffness.
  • Explain to the patient about the test and ask the patient to close their eyes and say ‘yes’, every time they feel the touch in their feet no matter how lightly they perceive the touch.
  • Place the monofilament at perpendicular to the skin surface and slowly push the monofilament until it bends. Hold for 1-2 seconds and release. Do not jab the skin with the monofilament.
  • Repeat this for all testing sites on both feet and record your findings.  They should feel in most of the sites for a normal person.

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Portable Vibration Sense Device Product Code: VIBRATIP

Vibration sense is typically one of the first sensory modalities to be impaired as peripheral neuropathy develops in patients with Diabetes.   Vibratip is a device that provides a near-silent vibration of consistent amplitude at a frequency like that of a calibrated tuning fork. It is intended for use when testing a person’s vibration perception during routine checks for diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in people who have type 1 or type 2 diabetes.


  • The Vibratip test for DPN is more consistent compared to a tuning fork test. 
  • Vibrates at 125Hz.
  • When vibration is not felt, indicates the loss of VPT
  • Validated tool from UK
  • Simple and effective tool to grade loss of VPT

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Neuropathy Assessment Basic Kit Product Code: NA03

Peripheral neuropathy is the prime pathogenic ingredient in the recipe for diabetic foot ulceration. Ulceration, in turn, is the key factor that may precipitate a cascade of events leading to lower-extremity amputation. Clearly, identifying the presence of neuropathy and acting before any breach in the epithelium is of enormous importance in any screening and treatment program designed to prevent amputation. 


  • 5.07/10gm Monofilament to test the loss of protective touch sense – 25 units
  • Portable vibration sense device Vibratip to test the loss of VPT – 1 unit
  • Portable thermal sense device Tiptherm to test the loss of thermal sense – 1 unit
  • Packed in a carton with instructions to use
  • Customization of the carton for large quantities.

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Digital Step Biothesiometer Product Code: VIBROSCREEN

Periodic and accurate vibration perception threshold (VPT) measurement helps early detection. Early detection helps better prevention. Prevention is better than no cure. 50% of all the non-traumatic amputations occur in diabetics, who are high risk groups. Vibroscreen is designed to large patient population in a health care camp in a shorter time. 


  • Easy tool to quantify Neuropathy
  • Simple 4 position vibration output
  • 15, 20, 25 and 50 Volts output selectable
  •  Light weight and portable
  • 220 Volt AC Mains operation

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Digital Biothesiometer Product Code: VIBROTEST Lx

Vibration perception threshold (VPT) has been shown to be strongly associated with foot ulceration. VPT determination by using a Digital Biothesiometer has been used to identify peripheral sensory neuropathy and subjects at risk of foot. Digital Biothesiometer helps us quantitate the threshold and monitor progressive changes or trends on following up testing. Early detection of vibration perception threshold (VPT) helps better prevention.  


  • Easy tool to quantify neuropathy.
  • Digital 0 to 50 Volts indicator
  • Computer connectivity and software for reporting with 10gm Monofilament
  • Products tested by International accredited test lab for safety
  • 230V, AC, 50Hz Mains operation (110V, AC, 60Hz option)

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Digital Biothesiometer Product Code: VIBROMETER

Vibration Perception Threshold (VPT) has been shown to be strongly associated with foot ulceration. VPT determination by using a Digital Biothesiometer has been used to identify peripheral sensory neuropathy and subjects at risk of foot. Digital Biothesiometer helps us quantitate the threshold and monitor progressive changes or trends on following up testing. Early detection helps better prevention. Prevention is better than no cure. 50% of all non-traumatic amputations occur in diabetes who is a high risk group. 


  • Digital 0 to 50 Volts indicator
  • Software to test foot, hands, Penis, and custom setting with Monofilament 10gm
  • Connectivity to Computer through USB (plug & play) and Bluetooth
  • Products tested by NABL accredited test lab for safety 
  • 230V, AC, 50Hz Mains operation (110V, AC, 60Hz option)

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Diabetic Foot Analyser Product Code: VIBRODOP

Vibrodop device is a combination of Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) Doppler and a Digital Biothesiometer.  The Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) is a measure of the severity of atherosclerosis in the legs but is also an independent indicator of the risk of subsequent atherothrombotic events elsewhere in the vascular system. Vibration Perception Threshold (VPT) has been shown to be strongly associated with foot ulceration. VPT determination has been used to identify peripheral sensory neuropathy. Early detection helps better prevention. 50% of all non-traumatic amputations occur in diabetes who is a high-risk group. 


  • Unidirectional 8MHz Vascular Probe 
  • ABI measurement as per TASC II guidelines 
  • Easy tool to quantify neuropathy.
  • Digital 0 to 50 Volts indicator
  • Computer Connectivity and Software for ABI and VPT with Monofilament 10gm

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Neuropathy Analyser Product Code: THERMOMETRY HCP

Failure to perceive variances in temperature in the extremities is the most decisive early symptom of distal symmetric polyneuropathy, a typical ailment accompanying diabetes mellitus (Ziegler 1988). Small-fiber Test provides an easy-to-use and scientifically validated measure of hot and cold thermal sensory thresholds, all clinically useful determinants in the evaluation of diabetic neuropathy.


  • Full solid state design with PC enabled
  • 1 ~ 50o C calibrated temperature output range
  • 1o C rate of change per second
  • Single probe delivers both Hot & Cold temperatures.
  • Computer connectivity and software for reporting for foot, hands and penis

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Neuropathy Analyser Product Code: VIBROTHERM Dx

Failure to perceive variances in temperature in the extremities is the most decisive early symptom of distal symmetric polyneuropathy. Small-fiber Test provides an easy-to-use and scientifically validated measure of hot and cold thermal sensory thresholds, all clinically useful determinants in the evaluation of diabetic neuropathy.

Vibration Perception Threshold (VPT) has been shown to be strongly associated with foot ulceration. VPT determination has been used to identify peripheral sensory neuropathy. Early detection helps better prevention. 50% of all non-traumatic amputations occur in diabetes who is a high-risk group.  Vibrotherm Dx Device is a combination of the Thermometry HCP and a Digital Biothesiometer.


  • Digital Biothesiometer and Thermometry HCP combined for foot, hands, penis.
  • Digital 0 ~ 50 Volts Vibration output
  • 1 ~ 50o C temperature output range
  • 1o C rate of change per second
  • Computer connectivity and software for reporting

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Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy System Analyser Product Code: CANS504

Autonomic neuropathy is a serious and common complication of diabetes. In randomly selected cohorts of asymptomatic individuals with diabetes, about 20% had abnormal cardiovascular autonomic function.  Reduced heart rate variation is the earliest indicator of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy. The increased prevalence of painless myocardial infarction in diabetes has been attributed to autonomic neuropathy.


  • Sympathetic & Parasympathetic Nervous Function using recommended Ewing tests
  • Simple array of (one minute) six tests completes the Comprehensive study
  • Resting ECG with HR, Deep breathing ECG and Expiration and Inspiration Ratio, Supine to Standing ECG and 30:15 ratio and Valsalva Maneuver ECG @ 40mmHg pressure and Valsalva ratio
  • Postural Hypertension resting BP, BP immediately after standing and BP after one minute standing and sustained Hand Grip BP  
  • Final impression consists of Parasympathetic function, Sympathetic function, and Cardiac Autonomic Function

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